Import checklist to Asana

Our ready-made checklists can help your team work together more quickly and efficiently.

New project

Once you have saved the desired checklist in a CSV file, you can effortlessly import it as tasks into your Asana workspace. Simply follow these steps to complete the process seamlessly:

  1. Access the sidebar and click on the Create icon in the left top corner. From the options given, choose "Project".
  2. Choose "Import spreadsheet", after which name your project, and navigate to the button “Select file to import”.
  3. From the import dialog box select the CSV file from your computer, and click "Open".
  4. Asana will automatically map the checklist from the CSV file as tasks to the corresponding fields in Asana with a description inside each of them. Take a final look at the imported data, make adjustments if needed, and click "Go to Project".
  5. You can then assign tasks to team members, add due dates and tags, and manage your project tasks as usual

That's it! The imported checklist has been added to a new project Asana.

Existing project

To import a CSV checklist into an existing project in Asana, follow these steps:

  1. Open your Asana workspace and navigate to the project where you want to import your checklist.
  2. Click on the hidden arrow-down menu button beside the Project`s name and select "Import CSV".
  3. Choose the CSV file from your computer that contains your checklist data.
  4. Asana will automatically map the checklist from the CSV file as tasks to the corresponding fields in Asana with a description inside each of them. Take a final look at the imported data, make adjustments if needed, and click "Go to Project".
  5. You can then assign tasks to team members, add due dates and tags, and manage your project tasks as usual.

Trello does not have a built-in import feature for CSV files. In this guide, we will show you how to use an additional application called Blue Cat to transfer CSV files into your Trello board, but feel free to use any other app that works for you. By following these steps, you'll be able to import your data from CSV files seamlessly:

  1. Locate the top bar of the Trello interface and look for the "Imports by Blue Cat" option. Click on it to access the CSV import feature.
  2. In the CSV import interface, click on “Choose file”, find a desirable CSV file, and click “Open”.
  3. Click the "Import" button and wait for the upload to complete.
  4. Once the upload is finished, you can close the CSV import interface. You should now see the imported data from the CSV file integrated into your board.

That's it! You have successfully imported your CSV file with the checklist into Trello. You can now continue organizing and managing your tasks and projects in Trello with the added data from your CSV file.

To effortlessly import your desired checklist as tasks into your Jira workspace, all you need is the checklist saved in a CSV file. Follow these seamless steps to complete the import process smoothly:

  1. Open the project where you want to import the checklist items. If the project doesn't exist yet, create a new project.
  2. In the top bar, click on the Settings icon and select the "System" option from the menu. This will open the system settings for your project.
  3. Find the "External System Import" option in the left sidebar on the System Settings page. This will open the import settings page.
  4. On the import settings page, select the "CSV" option for import. Jira supports importing data from CSV files.
  5. Click on the "Choose File" button and locate the CSV file containing your checklist data on your computer. Once selected, click "Open" to start the file upload.
  6. Jira will present a mapping interface where you can match the CSV columns to the corresponding Jira fields. Review the mappings and ensure that each CSV column is correctly mapped to the appropriate Jira field, such as summary, description, assignee, due date, etc. Make adjustments as necessary.
  7. Once you have reviewed and configured the import settings, click on "Import" to initiate the process.

That's it! You have successfully imported the checklist CSV file into Jira. Repeat the process for any additional projects or checklists you wish to import.